Get New Students

and KEEP THEM with our Proven Martial Arts Marketing Solutions

Martial Arts Marketing Experts

Digital & Print Marketing for Martial Arts

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Marketing Assessment:

Affordable Martial Arts Marketing Solutions that Get Results!

Digital Marketing

Reach local residents and consistently bring in new leads with an effective digital marketing strategy.

Local Search

Make sure your martial arts studio stays at the top of the list on Google search results with local search marketing!

Direct Mail

Target local residents, generate leads, and greatly enhance your digital marketing with direct mail!

No Long-Term Contracts!

Unlike the other martial arts marketing agencies out there, we do not require or clients to sign restrictive, long-term agreements.

Our Martial Arts Marketing Professionals will Deliver the Results that YOU Need:

Steady Flow of Quality New Leads

Promos that Get the Phone Ringing

Referral Programs that Really Work

Advertising that Connects with Parents!

Members Today is the Answer!

At Members Today, our staff of industry experts have been leading the way in martial arts advertising for over 6 years. We have worked with hundreds of clients nationwide, including some of the nation’s top martial arts schools, and we know how to get results. Our professional consultants will work with you to devise the best promotion to fill your classes and keep new students coming in to your school.

martial arts students

Why do so many trust Members Today for their Martial Arts Marketing?

Specialization & Superior Knowledge!

We have a seasoned staff that is trained and knowledgeable about your industry and your promotional needs. We have a dedicated team of professionals that watch your job at every stage of the process. Whether it’s choosing your mailing routes, crafting your promotion, designing the graphics, printing, or scheduling your mail, we’ve got an expert for it. And, most importantly, our direct mail promotions get results!

Promotions That Work!

We offer time tested postcard designs. We know the designs work, because they’ve already been tested in the field and have brought results. All of the designs on our web site have been massaged and tweaked to maximize response, based on feedback from actual consumers. As a club owner you don’t have to take the risks associated with creating the promotion and artwork from scratch yourself. We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you.


While our competition sees you as just a client, we see you as a partner. We don’t just mail ads for you. We put every effort forward to make your company a success, including free consulting on promotional strategies, how to handle leads, sales and closing techniques, best practices, pricing strategies, and much more.

At Members Today, we have martial arts marketing promotions that will get you the results you need and fill your classes with new students! We have done all the MARKET RESEARCH for you! With over 10 years as the martial arts marketing leader, our designs and methods are PROVEN to work. We have the most competitive prices in the market and you can’t beat the quality of our owner friendly, hassle-free products and services.

We Offer a Full Line of Services to Help Your Martial Arts School Attract New Students!

Members Today Offers Affordable Martial Arts Marketing Solutions that work together to Increase Your ROI.

Online Marketing & Digital Ad Campaigns

Local Search Engine Optimation (SEO)

Print Advertising and Direct Mail Solutions

5 star ratings

“We have used Member’s today for as long as I can remember, at least 9 years now. Their product is professional, their staff follow up with us and always check in to see how we are. I have never had an issue with our mailers or timing, they even manage to get things out last minute when I’ve waited too long! You won’t regret working with them.”

Sunrise Taekwondo

Check out What Our Martial Arts Marketing Clients are Saying…

Martial Arts Marketing FAQ

Back-to-school is considered the beginning of the marketing year for martial arts schools and it is most important time to market your school. Parents of school aged children all of some level of concern wondering if their child is equipped and ready for a successful school year. This the perfect time to market the positive effects of your marital arts programs on child behavior. Also communicate the positive effects that martial has on conflict avoidance and anti-bullying.

Yes. I would highly recommend some level of Search Engine Optimization for your school’s website.

Consider this; Over 80% of consumers research a product or service online via a Google search before making a buying decision. That point in mind, answer this question: When a resident in your local market performs a Google search for a martial arts school, do you want to show up on the first page of the search results? Your answer should be YES!

Having a website that is visible to search engines and ranks well for marital arts related search terms is one the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your marital arts marketing.

Absolutely. Google PPC Ads are one of the most important tools used in marital arts digital marketing. PPC advertising will drive a large volume of highly targeted traffic to your website and landing pages. This traffic is highly targeted, because your PPC ads will only show to local residents in a targeted area that are searching on Google for terms that pertain to your martial arts school, such as “marital arts school near me”.

Google PPC ads display at the top of a Google search engine results page, which is prime real estate that does not go unnoticed by the consumer.

Direct mail marketing is still one of the most powerful ways to promote your martial arts school and increase its exposure in the local community. Even in the age of digital marketing, where it is extremely important to have a digital advertising presence in your local market, direct mail still performs very well with high response rates and high ROI.

Consumers respond to direct mail differently than digital marketing.

  • 79% of consumers are likely to act on direct mail immediately, versus 45% with email or digital marketing.
  • Direct mail has been shown to be far more persuasive than digital media, with a 20% higher motivation response rate than digital marketing.

In particular, solo direct mail postcards have a high rate of success in local markets. The solo nature of auto service postcards stands out in the mail and gets the attention of the consumer immediately and your promotion is delivered directly to your defined target audience.

Facebook is the most widely used social media network and advertising on Facebook can give your school tremendous exposure in your local market. Facebook is also very effective for driving traffic to your website and landing pages. During the second quarter of 2020, Facebook reported almost 1.79 billion daily active users. That is a massive audience.

Facebook ads can be highly targeted to audiences in a specific area based on many demographic filters, ensuring that your ads get seen by the right people. Conversion rates have gone down on Facebook ads over the past couple of years, but Facebook ads still remain an effective way to reach parents and promote your programs.


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